Southeast Asia - Recommended History and Religion E-Books

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by Ben Huot

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  1. Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by K. N. Chaudhuri (632-1750 AD) - 485 pages
  2. A History of Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1400-1830 by Barbara Watson Andaya & Leonard Y. Andaya - 677 pages
  3. Pacific Worlds by Matt K. Matsuda - 619 pages

Inland Southeast Asia

  1. A History of the Vietnamese by K. W. Taylor - 1,287 pages
  2. Sources of Vietnamese Tradition by Jayne Werner, John K. Whitmore & George Dutton (111 BC-1975 AD) - 664 pages
  3. A History of Ayutthaya by Chris Baker & Pasuk Phongpaichit (1200-1800 AD) - 586 pages
  4. Siam & the West, 1500-1700 by Dirk Van der Cruysse - 591 pages

European Overseas Empires

  1. An Economic History of Portugal, 1143-2010 by Leonor Freire Costa, Pedro Lains & Susana Munch Miranda - 697 pages
  2. Over the Edge of the World by Laurence Bergreen (1519 AD) - 512 pages
  3. The Voyage of Thought by Michael Wintroub (1529 AD) - 508 pages
  4. The Visitor by Liam Matthew Brockey (1569-1635 AD) - 527 pages
  5. The Dutch in the Early Modern World by David Onnekink & Gijs Rommelse - 539 pages
  6. Britain's Oceanic Empire by H. V. Bowen, Elizabeth Mancke & John G. Reid (1550-1850 AD) - 800 pages
  7. Captain Cook by Vanessa Collingridge - 480 pages

Chinese Empire

  1. China as a Sea Power, 1127-1368 by Lo Jung-pang & Bruce A. Elleman - 450 pages
  2. Chinese Circulations by Eric Tagliacozzo - 504 pages
  3. Imperial China and Its Southern Neighbours by Victor H. Mair & Liam C. Kelley - 577 pages

More Asian

  1. Buddhist Dynamics in Premodern and Early Modern Southeast Asia by D. Christian Lammerts (500-1800 AD) - 597 pages
  2. The Making of the Indo-Islamic World by Andre Wink (700-1800 AD) - 526 pages
  3. The Ottoman Age of Exploration by Giancarlo Casale (1500s AD) - 564 pages
  4. Island of Bali by Miguel Covarrubias & Adrian Vickers - 480 pages

Indian (Theravada) Buddhism

  1. In The Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi, The Long Discourses of the Buddha by Maurice Walshe, The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha by Bhikkhu Nanamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi, and Great Disciples of the Buddha by Nyaponika Thera 512 + 656 + 1,424 + 412 = 3,004 pages
  2. The Path of Individual Liberation (volume 1) by Chogyam Trungpa & Judith L. Lief - 680 pages
  3. The Suttanipata by Bodhi - 1,616 pages