The Archaeology of Elam: Second Edition by D. T. Potts - 899 pages
Alexander of Macedon, 356-323 B.C. by Peter Green - 672 pages
Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud by Michal Bar-Asher Siegal - 496 pages
The Nativist Prophets of Early Islamic Iran by Patricia Crone (550 BC-1501 AD) - 1,155 pages
Empires of Ancient Eurasia by Craig Benjamin (100 BC-250 AD) - 488 pages
Seeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam by Robert G. Hoyland (620-780 AD) - 893 pages
Shahnameh by Abolqasem Ferdowsi & Dick Davis - 1,040 pages
Medieval Iraq
The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate by Guy Le Strange (636-1405 AD) - 578 pages
Baghdad by Justin Marozzi (700-2000 AD) - 536 pages
Virtues of the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal by Michael Cooperson (855 AD/1200 AD) - 544 + 592 = 1,136 pages
Christianity in Fifteenth-Century Iraq by Thomas A. Carlson (1400s AD)- 608 pages
Persian Art by Vladimir Lukonin & Anatoly Ivanov - 573 page
Islamic Iran
The New Muslims of Post-Conquest Iran by Sarah Bowen Savant (600s-1000s AD) - 530 pages
The Glad Tidings by Shaykh Emadul Deen Al-Tabari - 500 pages
Iran and the Deccan by Keelan Overton (1400-1700 AD) - 468 pages
The Monetary History of Iran: From the Safavids to the Qajars by Rudi Matthee - 489 pages
Iran At War by Kaveh Farrokh (1500-1988 AD) - 488 pages
Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics by Ali Rahnema (1500s-2000 AD) - 546 pages
Iran by Abbas Amanat (1501-2009 AD) - 996 pages
Entire Region
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language by David W. Anthony - 568 pages
Empires of the Silk Road by Christopher I. Beckwith - 512 pages
Tales of the Narts by John Colarusso, Tamirlan Salbiev & Walter May - 512 pages
Tamta's World by Antony Eastmond (1200s AD) - 678 pages
The Struggle for the Eurasian Borderlands by Alfred J. Rieber (Habsburg 1526-1918 AD, Russian 1462-1918 AD, Ottoman 1299-1918 AD, Iranian 1501-1918 AD, and Qing 1644-1918 AD Empires) - 1,138 pages
Western Central Asia
Turkestan down to the Mongol Invasion by W. Barthold (late 600s-early 1200s AD) - 574 pages
Non-Muslim Provinces under Early Islam by Alison Vacca - 563 pages (700s-800s AD)
Lost Enlightenment by S. Frederick Starr (800-1200 AD) - 680 pages
Hudud al-'Alam 'The Regions of the World' - A Persian Geography 372 A.H. (982 AD) by V. V. Minorsky - 596 pages
The Festal Works of St. Gregory of Narek by Abraham Terian (1003 AD) - 464 pages
The Bukharan Crisis by Scott C. Levi (1700-1750 AD)- 588 pages
Edge of Empires by Donald Rayfield - 479 pages
Eastern Central Asia
Buton's History of Buddhism in India and Its Spread to Tibet by Buton Rinchen Drup 500 BC-1200s AD - 464 pages
The Tibetan History Reader by Gray Tuttle (600s-1951 AD) - 752 pages
The Epic of Gesar of Ling by Robin Kornman, Sangye Khandro & Lama Chonam (1100s AD) - 680 pages
King of the Empty Plain by Cyrus Stearns (1385-1509 AD) - 700 pages
Mission to Tibet by Ippolito Desideri, Leonard Zwilling & Michael J Sweet (1684-1733 AD) - 900 pages
Nepal Through the Ages by Ram Niwas Pandey - 459 pages
Genghis Khan by Frank McLynn (1227 AD) - 704 pages
Kublai Khan by John Man (1215-1294 AD) - 480 pages
The Mongols and the Islamic World by Peter Jackson - 448 pages
Northern Central Asia
East of the Sun by Benson Bobrick - 460 pages
Arctic Mirrors by Yuri Slezkine - 476 pages
The Soviet Far East in Antiquity by Henry N. Michael & Alexei P. Okladnikov - 624 pages
A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, Volume II by David Christian (1260-2000 AD) - 656 pages